Thursday Dec 21, 2023
7:30 PM - 9:00 PM EST
December 21, 2023
7:30 pm
Creative Cauldron
410 S Maple Ave
Falls Church, VA 22046
$100 includes two drink tickets, hors de ouvres and desserts
Creative Cauldron
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Cara Lina, Tula, Evita Peroxide, and Regina Jozet Adams are gonna "sleigh" the holidays in Cauldron's drag cabaret! Songs, stories, music and merriment are the top of the ticket in this fun filled drag queen party! Tickets include two drinks, light hors d'eoevres and desserts to celebrate the season.
Funds from the evening will benefit the Juan Febles Fund.
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Falls Church Chamber of Commerce for more information.
417 W. Broad St. #205, Falls Church, VA 22046 – (703) 532-1050 –