Exploring Spiritualism
Date and Time
Sunday Feb 18, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM EST
February 18, 2024 from noon to 1:30 p.m.
The Center for Spiritual Enlightenment
222 N. Washington St.
Falls Church, VA. 22046
Free - no cost to attend.

Please join us for Exploring Spiritualism classes the third Sunday of every month from noon to 1:30. Spiritualism is the science, philosophy, and religion of continuous life based upon demonstrated communication with those in the spirit world through mediumship. We explore the history, theory, and practices of spiritualism including natural laws, energy, observation, awareness, and more! Each class is a stand-alone offering so please join us as your schedule allows. Classes are free and no registration is required. Bring a snack or lunch if you like.
Upcoming classes are scheduled the third Sunday of every month EXCEPT no class May 19 or September 15.