Quinn's Free Jewelry Appraisal Day - January 9 & 10
Date and Time
Tuesday Jan 9, 2024
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM EST
January 9th & 10th, 2023
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Quinn's Auction Galleries
360 S. Washington St
Falls Church, VA 22046

Quinn's Auction Galleries is hosting an Appraisal Day Event for Jewelry & Watches on January 9th and 10th at our gallery in Falls Church, VA.
Sign up for a "Verbal Appraisal" slot if you would like a free verbal evaluation of your pieces from our jewelry specialist, Stephen Silvia, before possibly consigning. There will be staff on hand to assist you if you choose to consign on the spot! For these appointments, please allow one 30-minute time slot for every 15 pieces of jewelry you want reviewed. (Ex. for 28 pieces, sign up for two consecutive time slots.)
If the time slots shown don’t work for you, please email us at info@quinnsauction.com to schedule an alternate appointment.
We look forward to seeing you at our January Jewelry Appraisal Day Event!