Wednesday Nights: Sangha, Mantra & Philosophy

Date and Time
Wednesday Feb 5, 2025
7:30 PM - 8:30 PM EST
Wednesday Nights at 7:30pm (60 mins)
Karma Yoga Studio
246-A West Broad Street
Falls Church, VA 22046
(please park behind the studio and walk up the stairs)
(if you enter from West Broad Street please ring the door bell or come around back)
Free to join
Please bring food or drink to share (vegetarian, no alcohol)
Contact Information
Call or text (703) 596-4789
Send Email

Sangha night is free to join, bring your own food or snacks to share. We start with mantra and close with a philosophy reading and discussion. Each week will be a different topic. Sangha means "community" is community led, meaning you can volunteer to choose the topic and lead sangha.