Falls Church Homeless Shelter

December 1 through March 31
6p.m. to 8a.m.
About Us
The Friends of Falls Church Homeless Shelter is a 501(C)3 organization which began operations in January 1996. The ?Friends? was created to address the critical need for emergency housing in the community, especially during the winter months. In partnership with New Hope Housing, the ?Friends? manage and operate the Shelter providing warm beds, meals, and counseling to the homeless in Falls Church from December through March, and offer year round case management for Shelter residents. We take pride in being a grassroots organization. Over 200 volunteers each year lend their support and the Board of Directors, composed of volunteers, is responsible for management of operations, recruiting volunteers, fundraising, and contracting. Approximately 80% of the funds required to run the Shelter has come from private sources, including individuals, faith communities, businesses, schools, and foundations.
The Falls Church Homeless Shelter forms an integral part of the Fairfax-Falls Church Partnership to Prevent and End Homelessness.
The Falls Church Homeless Shelter is located at 217 Gordon Rd. in the City of Falls Church and is open Dec. 1st through March 31st between 6pm and 8am. The Shelter is able to house 12 individuals, 10 men and 2 women. The Friends have an explicit policy of reserving two beds for women, who have separate sleeping and shower facilities. Each resident has his/her own bed and locker and may reserve a bed for the following night. If a resident does not show up at the shelter by the established time, the reserved bed is made available to another individual
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